The basic essential
It should take seconds to update acquisition requirements in the market.
Register with us for free to:
increase your market presence
receive opportunities that fit you
update what you want, fast
save time, resources and costs
“Imagine what you can do with the time - the time you will save from calling hundreds of connections just to tell them what you want.”
How it works
You register your acquisition requirements with us.
When we are asked about potential buyers or parties to work with, we suggest you, provided the opportunity fits what you asked for. We also do so for a “close fit” (i.e. your minimum lot size is EUR 20m, but the property is EUR 18m). Note that we do not disclose your requirements, they are proprietary to you. We disclose that you are actively looking for an opportunity like that one. This also means that you can change your requirements from “active” to “not active” without anyone knowing.
How do we increase your market presence? We advise all market participants: developers, investors, owner occupiers and advisors. We do not compete with any. That’s why this is so powerful.
How to register
There are two ways of registering your acquisition requirements:
Why using a web form is breakthrough
We love to talk to you and get to know you (we are a real estate advisory), but we also know that we live in the digital era. How we work is evolving and a web form is:
FAST - takes seconds to update
INSTANTLY ON DEMAND - update anytime from anywhere, as often as required
SECURE - we use Google Forms, an app by Google
Get straight to what you want
*Please note that our services are currently available exclusively for Logistics & Industrial properties in Europe.